Piping Design and Analysis Influence on Pipe Support Selection and Design is an overview on piping design and analysis, including factors that affect overall configuration, piping layout, the total system, as well as an introductory into pipe stress analysis (flexibility concerns and other design considerations); and how all those factors ultimately influence pipe support and pipe hanger design.
Our Piping Design course is approved for 8 hours towards PE/PDH credits. 90 days total is given to complete the online course, but the course can be completed in about 9 hours. It's completely online and you can save your progress and come back to it as many times as you need to. You should receive your certificate 2 weeks after all quizzes are completed, the final test is submitted and graded.
Piping Systems
Understand the purpose of piping and where it is used, along with the classifications and design consideration involved. You will have a basic understanding of internal and external forces on the piping system. You will be able to identify the modes of failure and know the applicable codes and standards related to piping system design.
Integrate Pipe Supports
Learn how to integrate rigid supports and pipe support restraints into the piping system and know what requirements and standards to follow. You will be able to spot the design influences when related to load movement, temperature, material, dimension and adjustability. Understand the major factors that influence the piping system, as in operating conditions, standard vs. custom and adjustability. Learn about the different types of snubbers, sway struts and auxiliary steel.
Water, Process & Power
Gain a basic understanding of water, process and power piping systems. You will learn how pipe networks work in series, parallel and branching, and be able to calculate flow rate, friction, loss and head loss. Use the Hardy Cross Method and know pipe size criteria, along with the Siphon effect, backflow, system static and dynamic head. Know how to troubleshoot based on the 5 P’s.
Piping Design Course Course Sections
- Overview of Piping Design Course (2:13)
- Section #1: Introduction ‐ Overview of Piping (46:59)
- Section #2: Preliminary Piping Design ‐ Components (40:00)
- Section #3: Preliminary Piping Design – The Total System (57:32)
- Section #4: Basic Concepts of Stress Analysis – Flexibility Analysis (47:01)
- Section #5: Basic Concepts of Stress Analysis – Design Bases (42:27)
- Section #6: Influences on Pipe Support Design – Rigid Supports (36:47)
- Section #7: Influences on Pipe Support Design – Spring Supports (41:23)
- Section #8: Influences on Pipe Support Design – Restraints (41:32)
- Final Exam for Piping Design Course
This course is great for...
- Field engineers
- Maintenance engineers
- Piping Designers
- Process engineers
- Operations managers
- Operators
- New engineers
- Pipe system designers
- Changing a current piping system
- Surveying a system
- Needing to spec out pipe supports
- Retirees returning to work
- Recent college graduates
- Employees seeking promotions, etc.